Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beta, random Goblin screenshots

Just going to share some Amazing screenshots of the new Goblin adventure :)

This wont be a post with alot of story-line.
I will comment on the pictures, but not alot.
Click on the images to get the full screenshot experience :)


The Moonwalk dance


The New Island


I found the Turtle that makes the Blizzard servers goes around ;)


Look at her face :)
Zone name was fun too


Got a water mount that was epic!




Sending feedback of Love to Blizz!


Bombastic vulcanos




Look at the design :)


So pretty

Friday, July 30, 2010

Beta short post

Hi fellow WoW-ers :)

IRL have been bussy a few days now, so it has lead to only alittle gaming in the evenings, and no time to blogg :/
However will do a big update over the weekend, so much has happened!

I just woke up, and now I see that the beta game is patching, apparently Worgens shall be "avaliable now" ! :D
I am going to atleast speed create on, in case they are taken down again.
The players that had a worgen active the last weeks, didn´t loose it.
It was just the rest of us that could not create one. So will take that precaution haha

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Beta my test of a Goblin


*Jazz hands*

I was sooo tired yesterday, so I had no plans on playing Beta.

However I got curious to see if it was possible for me to start Characters on any of the other "countries" servers, and it worked :D

I am automatically bound to the European server (EU).
All my copied Characters and Pree mades can only be placed here.



US Server :)

I was able to create characters on for example the American server (US).

Started a Goblin and pressed enter just to see if I actually could logg in, and it worked :)
This was fascinating stuff for me ! :P

I will probably poke around and work with any characters that are starting at Level 1 on the US server.
The all English speaking was more fun!

Nothing wrong with the EU server.
But we have sooo many languages, and I think we are used to being "devided"
So now all of a sudden, german, french, russian, everyone is on the same server, and they don´t want to speak english, which makes it alittle frusterating from time to time.

So my main focus is to play on the EU server ofc, thats where my high lvl chars are, but nice with a change every now and again :)

Now to the Goblin:


I love the dance!!!


She got "stylez"

I was not preparred that the Goblin starter zone was going to be that much fun!
Was just going to look in and leave.
But it ended up in a mass spam of screenshots and recordings (a)

Will try not to give to big spoilers on the experience itself, the quests ;)
Will show some screenshots though of this amazingness <3


I rolled a Goblin Warrior, this is my Class Trainer *lol*

Cruising in a car with a radio station!
I could switch songs and everything.
This was so funny to me, I think I might have failed the starting quests, haha


The Goblins love their Bank!


This one looked like "Hogger" !


After a over hyper experience, I went to bed, and will have the Goblin adventure to look forward to over the weeks :D

I only goofed around in the start zone.
I didn´t even get to complete the quest chain, I was to distracted :P

Must say, this was so amazingly created, that it is by far one of the funniest things I have seen in my 4 years + of playing this game :)

"Me loooove" The person responsible for this idea, haha :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A link list to my Beta Posts

Will collect the links to my posts about Cataclysm Beta, to make it easier to catch up and so on :)

-The newest posts are on top

-All Images/Pictures/Screenshots, displays in full size if you click on them

-To open all the links, you can also click any of the "Tags" I use in the post. So if you click "beta" or "Cata" they should all load :)

Beta short post

Beta my test of a Goblin

Beta day 4, part 2

Beta day 4

Beta day 3

Beta day 2, Part 2

Beta day 2

Beta day 1

Cataclysm Beta testare!!!!!!! (This post is in Swedish, it displays when I found my Beta Key!)

Datorn och lärda läxor

Som det förvisso har framgått tydligt så fick jag tillbaka min dator i Fredags :)

Datorn fick nytt grafikkort och nya minnen, så ja, det var tydligen vad jag lyckads ta sönder:P

Grafikkortet blev utbytt till en ny modell utan att jag informerats.
Nu har jag Nvidia GeForce GTS 250
Innan hade jag Nvidia GeForce GTS 8080 (tror det var den koden, eller en likande)
Hoppas att komplett ej bytte ut till det sämre, då lär dem höra av mig igen :P

Tyvärr inträffar alltid något underligt när datorn är på service hos detta företag


Denna gången är något som saknas "gummi ploppar", har ingen aning vad det heter.
Ironiskt nog, så har detta problemet aldrig uppstått på någon av det 15 andra reparationerna.

Trots att det är bra med ventilation i en dator *haha*, så betyder öppna hål även att den får in mer damm :P
Så jag sa att jag uppskattade tanken, men ville ha mina "ploppar"

Fick nyss e-mail av Komplett. De hade hittat 2 gummi ploppar och undrade till vilken adress jag ville att de skickas till?


Jag svarade att jag önskade att de skickades till (min adress), och att jag hoppades att det var den adressen som är registrerad till mitt kundnummer.
Skulle dem helt plötsligt inte kunna ta reda på var jag bor? Eller vart allt det andra dem skickat de senaste åren har hamnat? :P

Hur som heslt, datorn är tillbaka, och hitills verkar den fungera :)

För att försöka ta något postivit ur de 2 data-lösa veckorna har jag kommit till en insikt :P

Datorn/min förmåga att alltid vara kontaktbar, den stressar mig lika mycket som andra kan bli stressade av att kunna bli nådda via telefon/mobil dygnet runt.

Jag sitter inte vid datorn dygnet runt, det har jag naturligtvis inte tid med.

Dock brukar jag starta datorn när jag vaknar, stänga den när jag går och lägger mig, den är bara "på" helt enkelt.

Vilket gör att det är enkelt att kolla mailen då och då, vara tilljänglig på msn, spela 1h om där finns tid etc.

Under denna 2 veckors isoleringen klättrade jag bokstavligen på väggarna!

En av veckorna var då när det var extremt varmt, och då var det ej lockande att ha LapTop-en igång ens.

Nu i helgen "överdoserade" jag i data bokstavligen, vilket var väntat, haha.

Men jag har kommit till en överenskommelse med mig själv
(kan ej lova att jag kan hålla den, men det är bra att ha mål)

Jag ska inte tillåta mig att starta datorn och kolla mailen tillsammans med frukost, förutom om jag väntar något viktigt.

Utan ska helt enkelt inte starta datorn förrän på eftermiddagen/kvällen då allt är klart.

Så lång historia, men för mig är det en stor förändring om jag lyckas :)

Beta day 4, part 2

New Screenshots at end of post!

I am one day behind, but I still wanna share some of the experiences:)

It is hard to describe the first impression (of Beta).
Everyday is a new adventure, I never know where I will end up when I launch the game.

This is not only meant on my ability to get lost (a) haha, or the actually leveling/questing experince.

But it is very different to play a half broken game, all the funny, and yet anoying glitches and bugs. But I would not have it any other way, I am not complaining I am LOVING this!

And since everyday seem to be so different. I do get a strong feeling of that, sure, when cata is released I have seen the majority of it, but it will still be new for me :)

I love to be able to level at this slow speed. To relax, enjoy it, stop and create all my screenshots :D

After the first 3 days I saw I had 170 saved images, haha... So I will start a new folder on a ever 3 day basis!

I love that now it is not the "preasure" of level faaaaast, the guild is passing you, you have to keep up so you don´t risk missing raids etc.

I also love that the elitist competition is not fully there.
Or maybe it is, but I am ignoring it:D

I still haven´t joined a guild, I am in no stress to do so.
But I will eventually. Since I want to try out what it means that you will "level" with your guild in some way.
That the xp you recieve is more because of guild, also mount speed. If they are at 5% extra now or something like that.

The Worgen is still "broken" and it is not possible to create new ones. As soon as they release the new patch I will start a worgen :)

I have started a Gobling, but I haven´t had time to do the start zone yet :P

Will now let some screenshots help to tell the story of yesterdays adventures :)

And I don´t think my blogg is a risk for any spoilers that haven´t been posted online allready.
I write very much from my point of view, so it is not deep stuffs, haha


This looks amazing :)

I think there will be a entire zone underwater.
It is not my favourite so far, but that migth be because it is the most "buggy" and is still probably in development when it comes to player movement, camera angles etc


I found Nemo!!!

Was swimming around. Entered a zone that is not "active" yet.
However I could look around, and it was a cool feeling to have these cute fishies swimming around me :)


Me and a Sea Turtle


The Pink of this is so Awsome :)
This is my desktop wallpaper atm


I saw the start of another of the new 5 man dungeons.

The under water enviroment looked very good!
However it was very hard and many disconnects and critical crashes, so we didnt get to see much :P


Elite Murloc´s *horror*


Doing daily´s

Ok, everyone that know me, knows that I never grew into a fan of the daily quests in Icecrown. Which means I haven´t done daily´s pretty much fpr the entrire WOTLK, almost 2 years *lol*

Yesterday I found myself in a situation of no choice.
I was stuck on level 81, I could not find more working quest chains, and instances are not very reliable.

So in the valley of LOST HOPES I started questing, haha... These quests gave good experience tbh, it is just ironic that it came down to this :P


Ding lvl 82!

This means I will have a new zone to quest in tonight if I find it :)

The level cap atm on the Beta is lvl83, so I want to get there :)

In the next patch they are going to make it alittle harder to lvl up, we will need to gather more xp.

So that was alittle of yesterdays Beta experience :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Beta day 4

This is just a fast post :P

Haven´t played yet today.
Are waiting for my dinner to get ready, so I had time to logg in and do a couple of quests.

I am not a fan of this "Water zone" so far. The Hyal was more fun to quest in :)

Was doing a quest, and then "box" flashed up, it also had sound.


It happened so fast I almost didnt have time to react, but managed to take 2 screenshots ;)


Almost some whoop ass :P

I have heard about Blizzard making a instant quest delivery system (which I will love),
but this is the first time I have seen it!
Almost level 82, but this is the first quest I could deliver this way!

Did 2 more quests after this, but nothing...

So I am keeping my fingers crossed that the creators might sit and polish on this function and might let us use it soon...
I obviously managed to experience it the glitch way atleast :D

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beta day 3

The new day has started :)

Haven´t played alot yet, will save it for tonight :)

Had some time to kill, so decided to test and see what "pree made" actually meant.
I thought it had to do with PVP and Arena or something :P

I got a list of class/race combinations to choose from (not Worgen or Goblings)

I have always been curious about the Tauren, and since I don´t play horde I am not likely to get one, haha... So I selected a Tauren Druid!

First I was alittle dissapointed by the lame ingame name Blizzard gave me.
But then I saw I was flagged for name change, so I could rename it to something lame myself ;)

"Meet Iamnotahorde"


5k starting gold!

Not only did they give me many full sets of Tier 10 to try out, they only gave me 5k gold to start with, I like the thinking :D



I have been wanting this mount on my own Druid for quite some time, and here I got it right away !


Full on materials

As if the gold and epic gear was not enough.
I discovered my bags was filled with Enchantment mats and Gems for JC.

And since all the pressents so far haven´t been enough *jk*
I also found out I have max WOTLK skill of both Enchanting and Jewlcrafting :D
So I will both be able to level it eventually, and fix my own gear!

So to sum up :P

I was new to testing this pree made character thing. But now I love it :D

I understood they would have to put some gear on me, but I didnt expect to get the highest lvl 80 epics and all the gold and proffesions, this is awsomeness:)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Beta day 2, Part 2

Lets do a fast summary of the rest of the day :)


We can start from the end so to speak.
I dinged level 81 on my Pally before I closed down for the evening :D


Since I am a true "market gambler"
I must pressent the new staff of the auctionhouse in Stormwind ;)
They both have a new house and new employees, such luxury!


This is a example of one of the bugs I have seeen today.

My reports back to Blizzard are not written "deeply", I don´t spend that much time on it, I assume the most important information they need, they get just from seeing the registrated information they recieve when I make the report anyway...

The dilemma here was/is, that they have a quest we shall complete inside this cave.
The tricky part is that they have forgot to create a enterance ;) *lol*


This just looks pretty :D
I found a inn with a pink bathtub with candle lights to rest in :)


Another funny, yet anoying bug :P

Since we haven´t been able to use flying mounts in these zones before, there seem to be "forgotten bits", I have fallen to death 2 times today.
This one was nasty though. I could not even continue playing, I had to select "unstuck character" and was moved back to Dalaran.


*Kodak moment*

*Gossip Pink saying goodnight*

Beta day 2

Good morning ^^

I decided to copy my Paladin aswell. Figured nothing is as OP to level with as a Retri Pala.
I learned this the good way when I managed to do lvl 1-70 in less than 2 weeks, and then I took 10 days for Northerend (1 level a day)

This time around the boat quest/event worked!
Read on the forum it is still bugged and only works sometimes....


This means it is almost exhusable that I drowned and died yesterday, haha...
I was on the right path, it just didn´t work (a)


Here we see that I turn in the quest I had problems with yesterday ;)

To my dissapointment it didn´t pop up a feedback survey, I did 4-5 quests but nothing automatic.

But have no fear my beloved Blizzard.
I realize you want to shush this opinionated spammer....
I will simpley solve the problem buy clicking feedback before I turn in a quest (If I have something to add), this way they get the feedback to the correct quest :P

Another discovery

I can mount in water *lol*

Haven´t played more than shortly today, so havent tested... Maybe this new zone is totally under water and then it makes sence, we will see...

And yes... The lack of info for me... Is because I like "first impressions".
So far I haven´t felt the need to read about and learn all these things on the internet.
I see it as one part of the Beta experience to learn it there and then, that way I can give them the best feedback of how the content they pressent atm is to understand... Easy/medium/hard.

Thats the way I roll :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Beta day 1

To my great joy I got my PC back today :D

The first thing I did was to start the installation of Cataclysm!

It took about 2hours I think, and to my great suprise it actually worked!!

I copied my first (and only so far) character.
My Warlock.
My heart may wander off from time to time, but in the end it´s cold hearted and belongs to my lock ;)


The characters move more than now on the logg in screen.
The warlock did a shadow dmg looking thing, and possibly a life tap :P

(If any of my English speaking friends actually turn up here, click on images to make them full size ^^ )

I logged in and looked alittle at Dalaran.
But my main goal was to creat a worgen.

Recieved alot of "faliure", took a look at the forums, and "worgens" had been taken off-line for repairs, so that explained it...

I have spent about 2hours on my Warlock.
My goal was to complete ONE quest.
This proved to be a challange I failed to complete :P haha

Basically I havent found the start zone yet *LOL*
This is a great example why I need Beta.
I am not a bad player. But I don´t like change, and here where there haven´t been a obvious questline...
This means I will learn this before the release, and I will level fast *lmao*


Discovered I could fly in Stormwind :)

Took the boat that was supposed to lead to a quest....
I went 3 rounds on the boat, half an hour wasted:P

Decided to leave the boat, flew around....
I found 2 different flightpaths....

Then to my joy I saw "!" which means quest givers.
They were underwater.
No problem I thought, I am a warlock for godsake, I have underwater breathing....

Did I have underwater breathing?
no, ofc not *horror*

I swam veeeery deep..... Sadly realized that must have been a bad decition....
Turned around....
But it was to late...


I drowned and died...

I managed to DIE even before I completed 1 quest!!

Then i used my Heartstone.... Got a fatal error crash

Decided to give up for the evening :D haha

I have logged into the normal WOW, used portals and used my heartstone, no fatal errors....
Considering I got the PC back today I had to check.....

So it was just a warm welcome from the Beta!

Summary of Day 1:

It has been alot of fun, I love the privilege:P

However I look forward to actually finding some game content, HAHA

There were not enough energy for me today to copy more characters or start leveling one....

*Gossip pink signs out for the night*

Knight and Day

Knight and Day

Såg denna på bio igår, och den var jätte bra :)

Helt ärligt hade jag inte förhoppningar mer än att den skulle vara "bra", så jag blev glatt överraskad!

Filmen var som en blandning av:
Die hard 4
Mr and Mrs Smith
Oceans eleven

Den hade både humor och stor slagen action, rekommenderas varmt :)

LOL Blizz

Last on-line 41 years ago

*ASG* Fick denna skärmbild i mailen.... Blizzard är antingen vääääldigt dramatiska ;) Eller så känner dem min spirituella smärta, men 41 år har jag ej varit off-line HAHA

Tyckte att denna bild (och buggen) var skoj, så redigerade bort namn så jag kunde visa, kanske ger någon mer ett gott skratt :)

Datorn anlände i Malmö 02:59 inatt och ska sorteras. Otur att det är Fredag, annars hade jag med säkerhet haft datorn imorgon, dock måste Måndag vara självklart nu :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Datorn skickas!

Ett mail från komplett att datorn var skickad :)
.... "bilder" klickar vi som vanligt på :)

Där var inget kollinr eller vad det heter, så jag kan följa paketet, och jag tyckte det var lite snabbt, den var beräknad att levereras idag, haha

Ringde komplett. Personen jag pratade med sa att om allt går vägen (många datorer som skulle skickas), så borde min dator hamna i deras eftermiddags post :)

Fick ett kollinr, men då datorn inte är hämtad än kan jag ej söka :P

I en perfekt värld hade jag troligtvis haft datorn imorgon.
Men vi får beräkna in Malmö´s posthantering, och att lådan ska till utlämningsstället.
Hoppas dock att jag kan hämta datorn på Måndag!
Hade varit mycket härligt!!

Idag är det exakt 2 veckor utan PCn, och jag kan inte påstå att det varit varken roligt eller lätt... Om det fina vädret hade varat, hade jag kunnat vara på stranden en massa.
Men den senaste veckan har det ej varit så fint, vilket har gjort dagarna långa.

Det enda positiva är nog att jag har varit och tränat minst 2-3 ggr i veckan.
Detta kommer jag ju fortsätta med även med datorn.
Men nu i tristessen, har det liksom varit en "morot", "har jag inget annat att göra, kan jag lika gärna träna lite extra typ"

Nu håller vi tummarna :)

Går allt vägen kommer jag spela Cataclysm Beta maniskt nästa vecka, haha :D

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Data uppdatering

Ringde komplett imorse för att höra hur det går med datorn.
Det var självbehärskning av mig att vänta så här många dagar ;)

Fick reda på att de hade beställt nytt grafikkort + nya Ram minnen, och de hoppades att delarna skulle anlända idag, och då kunde dem fortsätta felsökningen.

Om inget mer visar sig vara sönder, så bör jag ha tillbaka datorn i början av nästa vecka :)

Jag kryper på väggarna och saknar min dator :P
Men nu fick jag åtmindstonde bekräftat att jag ej överdrev, datorn bara total dog rent ut sagt, fanns inget jag kunde göra...

Och helt ärligt tror jag ej komplett haft mer "tur" med datorn om dem ej satt i provisoriska reservdelar för att testa... För det låter som att jag på något sätt, lyckats ta sönder 2-3 ganska grafik avgörande delar *asg*

nu håller vi tummarna att inget mer är sönder, och att frakten går säkert :)

Även om det känns som en liten tröst just nu...Så kommer det kännas bra sen när jag ser att den fungerar, då har jag nya fräscha delar....Och kanske kommer kunna spela Cata Beta utan att den får hicka *HAHA*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cataclysm Beta testare!!!!!!!

Nu är mitt (spel) liv komplett!!!!!!!:D

cata beta
Bjöds in till Beta testning av World of Warcrafts (kommande) 3e expansion som heter Cataclysm idag!!!!!!!

(Klicka på bilden för att få det fulla intrycket)

För ca3h sedan fann jag min inbjudan!
Jag saknade ord,
jag skrek,
jag dansade,
tror till och med jag grät glädje tårar!

Hysterin av lyckan är total!!!!!

Jag kan inte installera och testa att spela innan min dator återvänder, men det är ett helt annat ämne och ska ej förstöra denna dagen!

Jag har hoppats på en inbjudan sen de för 2-3 veckor sedan (tror jag) började skicka första vågen av inbjudningar till de som ej varit med på den "låsta testningen"

Men jag trodde inte att jag skulle få en inbjudan, åtmindstonde inte så här tidigt...

Detta innebär att jag kommer att få humor att test spela expansionen fram tills spelet släpps...
Testa allt nytt...
Förhoppningsvis kunna ge mycket feedback, påverka saker och ting :)

Release datum av expansionen har Blizzard inte sagt än. Det enda vi vet är någon gång under 2010.

Då beta testningen precis startat.... Har spekulationerna legat på November, får då blir det samma som WOTLK...

Oavsett när spelet släpps... Kommer jag kunna spela det i några månader nu i förväg!

För mig som spelat så länge, känns detta som en ära, och idag är jag löjligt glad:)
Trots att jag ej kan spela, sitter jag och tittar på bilden som säger att jag är inbjuden!
och att trots att jag ej kan spela nu, är detta inget som kan tas efrån mig, så jag har nått att se fram emot!