Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The World of Warcraft Edition

I can´t make a come back in my blogg without a "World of Warcraft" update ;)

The blogg will dominate with Backstreet Boys content for a while (for obvious reasons).
So I feel a post with some updates is in order :)

My blogg is in Swedish (doooh). But since I don´t think I really have any Swedish friends that care for the game (the friends that do understand English)
The conclusion will be that I write in English

I still enjoy the special moments that stands out of the crowd!      

Pinkbunnie the Warlock is still my main.
Azeroth Alliance Raiders is my guild and second home *Wave*
Ghostland is the server.
Gnome and Awsome is the style!
Mist of Pandaria Beta "check"

It´s Picture time!   

Yesterday I returned to the raid-team after a maybe 6 weeks break (due to irl reasons)
I can´t really take ANY credit what so ever for this, but yesterday we had a "progress kill"

Hagara 25 man Heroic

As we can see it was a "clean kill" HAHA

I you click on the images I think the text shall be possible to read:)

This new way of adding images is MUCH smoother than when I left, I really love it, so expect to get flooded!


JB said...

Välkommen tillbaka :)

JB said...

Welcome back Pinky :)

Johanna said...

Thanksie very much :)