Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The 100 Baby Challange Part 2

Welcome back to my 100 Baby Challange 
- The Screenshot edition !

Alot has happened since we last "spoke" .
Have played so part 3 is ready, it just need to be told
(I had some catching up to do, am I right or am I right? haha)

But let´s stay in the now and catch up with Theresa.

In part 1 she gave birth to Spencer and  Bella.

Theresa got pregnant, and then in a hurry she was "whisked away" (if thats a word) to the next step/part of the program .
The program with the goal to repopulate the world again after the virus spread.

She was given her 13 000 + 50 Simoleons grant and was moved to the lot she was going to build a house on.

She also got enough LFR to buy "fertility treatment" before the 2nd pregnancy.

Here comes the screenshot part ;

 This is what the Simoleons got her,
the look of the house from outside.

 View 1

View 2
I bought 1 set of bunk beds for the twins

View 3, 
The complete house *lol*
Windows will be replaced, but they were the cheapest:P

The twins aged up to be cuties.
This is Bella!

And Spencer!
I recently did a factory reset to clear out my CC,
Now I saw how little toddler hairstyles that came with the game, so will add in more as we go.

Mama was settling in quite nice, and there was hope to teach the twins what they needed to be able to age up before the next birth, or atleast to be close to it.

They are so calm when they sleep *lol*

Reality is starting to set in, the mess begins ...

Catching up on some sleep, using the playpen as a much needed break...

 Just for cuteness, a reminder might be good later on *lol*

The pregnancy coming to it´s end
In her sleep-deprived state Theresa went into Labour (gasp)
It happened sooner than I was expecting.
I was not done with the twins, so I could not age them up, the horror !

Theresa gave birth to 3 healthy tripplet girls (I cried inside)

Miley - exitable , evil
Bubble - loves the cold, artistic
Rain - Geni,  observant (?)

Dad/Participand nr 2 Jacob Black.
By the sound of the names you can see that I was tired *lol*

I was only expecting twins at the most.
Theresa was broke, and there was only so much the 75 simoleons grant could do :P

Sold some decor items I think and bought 1 more crib.
Placed it in the room with the bunk bed.
The thinking was to get the twins ready to age up , and then I would have enough beds.
Untill then the twins spent the night in the playpen !

 2 of the tripplets

The last tripplet (lol)

Here is where the madness begins, and I will leave it as a cliffhanger, promising chaos , ha !


The new alittle stricter rules on earning money, using store items for comfort is making the challange much harder than usual, which I enjoy, allthough it´s doing my head in !

My sim is totally broke, I have never been this broke in a sim life !

In my other challange I have for example used that "zen massage table" (?) .
Both to keep the energy high, not needing as much sleep, and it has ironically made me some simoleons too:P

And by now I usually have the first "fixer upper car" ready or atleast almost ready to be sold.

Sure, the money don´t take away from the challange of teaching all the skills.
But it suuuure helps to be able to make larger room, kitchen stove, fridge, toys for the toddlers etc:P

The only thing I have invested in so far is the "multi tab".
So I have Theresa listen to usefull skills. Since at the moment her painting skill is kind of useless, there is no time to paint !

Going to be deeply dependant on this bunch being able to help out with the money situation in the future.

Theresa is in for some dramatic stuff in the next part, stay tuned to see what it might be ;)

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